The delectable duo of Mr. Bill and Ryanosaurus, known to many under their succulent pseudonym Electrocado, return to Gravitas Music for the next installment of their culinary themed aural adventures. Following the stunning success of the original album, “Scribble Remixed” taps some of the scene’s brightest and boldest musicians, coalescing to form a varied yet unified release for fans of some of electronic music’s scarcely explored corners. Reimagined versions from Freddy Todd, CloZee, AMB, and Zebbler Encanti Experience are but a few slices of this tasty feast for the ears spanning 11 tracks in total. Choosing the avenue of the free/pay-what-you-want release reflects Electrocado’s desire for their delicacy to be digested by fans far and wide, and the full album is available now for download and streaming on all major outlets.
The delectable duo of Mr. Bill and Ryanosaurus, known to many under their succulent pseudonym Electrocado, return to Gravitas Music for the next installment of their culinary themed aural adventures. Following the stunning success of the original album, “Scribble Remixed” taps some of the scene’s brightest and boldest musicians, coalescing to form a varied yet unified release for fans of some of electronic music’s scarcely explored corners. Reimagined versions from Freddy Todd, CloZee, AMB, and Zebbler Encanti Experience are but a few slices of this tasty feast for the ears spanning 11 tracks in total. Choosing the avenue of the free/pay-what-you-want release reflects Electrocado’s desire for their delicacy to be digested by fans far and wide, and the full album is available now for download and streaming on all major outlets.
The delectable duo of Mr. Bill and Ryanosaurus, known to many under their succulent pseudonym Electrocado, return to Gravitas Music for the next installment of their culinary themed aural adventures. Following the stunning success of the original album, “Scribble Remixed” taps some of the scene’s brightest and boldest musicians, coalescing to form a varied yet unified release for fans of some of electronic music’s scarcely explored corners. Reimagined versions from Freddy Todd, CloZee, AMB, and Zebbler Encanti Experience are but a few slices of this tasty feast for the ears spanning 11 tracks in total. Choosing the avenue of the free/pay-what-you-want release reflects Electrocado’s desire for their delicacy to be digested by fans far and wide, and the full album is available now for download and streaming on all major outlets.
Scribble Remixed Electrocado