Zen Selekta: Conquering the Mind-Killer and the Spice of Creativity In this episode of “A Path Unfolding,” Jesse Brede and Nicole Barton, also known as Zen Selekta, explore the jou...
A valued member of Gravitas since 2015, Alicia has taken the helm of Label Manager since 2019 and lead the team in a massive way. In this episode of “A Path Unfolding,” Jesse Brede and Nicole Barton, also known as Zen Selekta, explore the jou...
A Path Unfolding with Jesse Brede and Defunk // S1E6 Enjoy this interview with Defunk, also known as Logan Anderson.... Welcome to A Path Unfolding with Maddy O'Neal and your host Jesse Brede, where we delve into the captivating chapter...