An alluring road unfurls before you. It is vibrant and gravity-defying, filled with oddities uncommonly seen by your typical human. In the distance, you can spot a man, perched aside the pavement. This man, Supersillyus, is your newfound guide down a path that he alone can escort, and the road is titled “Charade”. While this album may only be six tracks in length, contained within each song is a pilgrimage of the strange, curious, and interesting, totalling over 40 minutes when combined. While a psychedelic sound design may seem the obvious focal point, the intricate drum work and charming melodic songwriting should not go unnoticed to the observant individual. With his fans in mind, Supersillyus has joined forces with Gravitas Music to circulate his elaborate creation, providing a free/pay-what-you-want download for all who wish to travel the path.
An alluring road unfurls before you. It is vibrant and gravity-defying, filled with oddities uncommonly seen by your typical human. In the distance, you can spot a man, perched aside the pavement. This man, Supersillyus, is your newfound guide down a path that he alone can escort, and the road is titled “Charade”. While this album may only be six tracks in length, contained within each song is a pilgrimage of the strange, curious, and interesting, totalling over 40 minutes when combined. While a psychedelic sound design may seem the obvious focal point, the intricate drum work and charming melodic songwriting should not go unnoticed to the observant individual. With his fans in mind, Supersillyus has joined forces with Gravitas Music to circulate his elaborate creation, providing a free/pay-what-you-want download for all who wish to travel the path.
An alluring road unfurls before you. It is vibrant and gravity-defying, filled with oddities uncommonly seen by your typical human. In the distance, you can spot a man, perched aside the pavement. This man, Supersillyus, is your newfound guide down a path that he alone can escort, and the road is titled “Charade”. While this album may only be six tracks in length, contained within each song is a pilgrimage of the strange, curious, and interesting, totalling over 40 minutes when combined. While a psychedelic sound design may seem the obvious focal point, the intricate drum work and charming melodic songwriting should not go unnoticed to the observant individual. With his fans in mind, Supersillyus has joined forces with Gravitas Music to circulate his elaborate creation, providing a free/pay-what-you-want download for all who wish to travel the path.
Charade Supersillyus