LUZCID’s music is a sonic odyssey: a series of auditory adventures in which the participants completely escape time and space. Though firmly grounded in the bass world, LUZCID meticulously eludes genres to welcome various enthusiasts to gather and celebrate the rewards of community. He hopes music can become a platform in which the people of the world can reconnect and restore our home to a place where we all enjoy living together.
LUZCID has performed in almost every major US city and continues spreading his wings across the land, bringing his music to all corners. Although his productions stand wholly on their own, LUZCID has shown that he is one of those artists you must experience live to get the full picture. LUZCID is more than a DJ: he uses Ableton Live to weave a sonic tapestry of sensorial wonder through his hip-hop-esque, expansive, psychedelic bass music.
As things continue to grow and go forth, LUZCID moves ever forward bringing his music and its message of hope and interconnectivity to the world at large. Come dream with LUZCID…